We presented a  full-day workshop at the Lean Construction Institute - Canada Annual Conference.

We helped people understand how to establish their own Dojo's, presented workshops on a selection of kata's form the Special Edition Canada book, gave a Masterclass, and presented a talk on bringing Kaizen into your work environment. 
See what others had to say!

"Being a part of this Dojo experience was invaluable to refocus ourselves on the development of human potential as the key, rather than getting caught up in the tools and techniques.  It is the ultimate in teaching someone how to not only fish, but teaching someone how to improve their own fishing process!  This is a critical leadership behavior to survive today and engage employees and leaders of the future."

- Carla Ciepliski, P.Eng.
Owner & Consultant with Ternion Results Inc.
LCI-C Conference Vancouver, Canada 2018.


"The book is amazing and making a hit - our sponsor was very taken with the quality time you shared with him & his team. The training day left a lasting positive impression and I believe created the opportunity for stronger relationships and more haring. Your presentation resonated with the crowd and left them with some new thoughts!"

- Kathleen Lausman,
Co-Chair of the Lean Construction Institute
LCI-C Conference Vancouver, Canada 2018.

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Calayde Davey